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Meghan Parsons

Latest Coronavirus Update

MARLBOROUGH- WMCT sat down with Mayor Arthur Vigeant to discuss what Gov. Baker's new stay-at-home advisory would look like for Marlborough residents. While many non-essential businesses are closing their doors, he says the city still needs to be governed, police and fire must continue doing their jobs and students must be educated.

Mayor Vigeant encourages residents to support local businesses by ordering take-out from their favorite restaurants. If out, residents should continue practicing social distancing and leave a safe distance of six between others. Coronavirus is more contagious than the seasonal flu, so if possible, residents should stay at home.

The mayor highlighted how the community has come together in these unprecedented times. For example, Marlborough Public Schools is continuing to serve students breakfast and lunch. In the first three days of operation, they served more than 2,300 meals to local families.

The MEDC reached out to local companies for additional supplies for healthcare providers and first responders. Protective masks, eyewear, gowns and gloves are crucial in keeping first responders and healthcare workers safe and healthy.

As of today, Marlborough has two positive cases of COVID-19.

For all non-emergency questions and concerns regarding COVID-19, call 508-251-5622.

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